Set in Gujarat, the story is about an underdog Raghuveer Mehta (Rajkummar Rao), who has tried various abstract business ideas and failed in every one of them. He listens to the inspirational financial speeches from Abhay Chopra (Gajraj Rao) and belongs to a rich family. Cousin Devraj (Sumeet Vyas) is a business icon & father Vithhal (Manoj Joshi) undermines his talent.
With some motivation from his wife Rukmani (Mouni Roy), Raghu leaves for China with Devraj to crack a deal. On getting there, he feels ignored and unimportant. He bumps into the master businessman Tanmay Shah (Paresh Rawal), gets an idea on how to do business, returns to India and teams up with Dr. Vardhi (Boman Irani) to sell a sex-stimulating soup. The rest of the story is about how he faces some issues because of this business & how he overcomes them.
We’ve seen a better Rajkummar Rao for way many times before this. He’s made for the character but unfortunately, the character isn’t made for him. However hard he tries, it’s just not enough because of how lazily his character has been sketched. There’s not a single scene that utilizes Raj to the optimum.
You know a film is not up to the mark when even someone like Boman Irani fails to create the desired impact. There are a few scenes to boast about, but that’s about it. The script of him lashing out in the climax scene is so poorly done, that instead of holding your attention it pisses you off. Mouni Roy is just a filler.
Paresh Rawal’s cameo is the best thing happened to this average film. He just lights up the screen whenever he enters a scene. Not kidding, his scene with Rajkummar Rao discussing business reminded me of the classic ‘McConaughey-Caprio’ sequence from The Wolf Of The Wall Street. Gajraj Rao & Sumeet Vyas are perfect in their roles, though I wished to see more of them. From the supporting cast, Sanjay Goradia shines bright & brings the house down with his comic timing.