Shamshera, starring Ranbir Kapoor, portrays the tale of a leader from the Khameran tribe in North India during the early 1800s. He selflessly sacrifices himself for the tribe’s independence. The film follows the classic theme of a son fulfilling his father’s unfulfilled dreams. Twenty-five years later, we encounter Balli, who sustains himself through theft, teaching the children of his tribe the same skill.
Balli, despite refusing to be part of the Khameran tribe like Ranbir’s character should have done, keeps returning to his people. He becomes infatuated with a dancer named Sona (played by Vaani Kapoor) and persistently asks her to marry him, believing he will become a king one day. However, his aspirations of serving in the British army are challenged when he faces Shuddh Singh (played by Sanjay Dutt), the killer of his father. As expected, a legendary figure emerges to save the tribe, leading to a series of events.
The movie review highlights that Shamshera suffers from a lack of clarity in its storytelling. The script, written by Neelesh Misra and Khila Bisht, fails to establish a strong emotional connection with the viewers, whether as a father-son tale or a rebel against the British government. The cinematography by Anay Goswamy and the background score manage to salvage some positives for the film. However, the overall direction and music by Karan Malhotra, despite a promising start, receive criticism for lacking coherence and meaningful ideas.
Rating: 6.5/10