Shadow is a short film centred on the dramatic story of a family falling apart and being haunted by their own imprudence. Based on the philosophy of Carl Jung, Shadow follows the idea of being haunted by the baggage and burden of the emotions endured in our daily life, borrowing too from Greek and Hebrew mythology as the burden takes a spectral form from the Underworld. This form, or shadow, haunts the life of a 15 year old boy, Tyrone Sharma, as he struggles in dealing with his parents’ failing marriage and self-centredness alongside his own homosexuality.
Shadow is directed and produced by Durban indie filmmaker Dayakar Padayachee, who won Best Audience Award for the short film Glances at the 48 Hour Film Project in 2014, is also a creative director on the local independent film, Dear Jasmine, directed by Ashan Singh and currently working on the next film in the anthology that Shadow is the first part of: Hadez.
Shadow stars first time actors Tazme Pillay, a UCT drama student, and Geaneviv Pillay, a Northlands Girls High School student. The movie also stars Kajal Bagwandeen, an actor & former Eastern Mosaic and Mela presenter, Yateen Dayaram, who was part of the stage production Lenny, Lihle F. Dhlomo (Between Friends), Rizelle Januk (Scandal) and Ismail Ganie. Shadow features local music from up and coming vocal artist Sanam Sitaram, who wrote and produced Black Lake specifically for Shadow.
Genre: Suspense/Drama | Film Company: HG Productions | Running Time: 39 minutes
Release Date: TBA